Fading Footprints…Who are We Pointing Them To? #KingdomBuilders101

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

– Matthew 7:13-14 (NKJV)

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

– John 15:4-5 (NKJV)

“I believe in miracles with every atom of my being… because I believe in God – but Kathryn Kuhlman has nothing to do with the healing of sick bodies.  I have no healing power. It’s the power of God that does the healing. The only part I have in it is making Jesus real to the hearts of men and women. Any results there might be in this life of mine, is not Kathryn Kuhlman. It’s the Holy Spirit; IT’S WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES THROUGH A YIELDED VESSEL.”

– Kathryn Kuhlman

To find the footprints we’ve missed, we must first be on the right path…

Those of you in the younger generation have probably never heard of Kathryn Kuhlman, but those from my generation remember her very well. My mother spoke of her often. Kathryn Kuhlman was one of the greatest and most well-known and respected women evangelists from the 1940s to 1970s. This was largely because she had the gift of healing. She traveled throughout the United States and many other countries, holding her healing crusades. Her weekly television program, “I Believe In Miracles”, ran through the 1960s and 70s. She preached to packed auditoriums, and thousands experienced miraculous healings. When she went to the airport, they had to take her to her plane a different way, privately, because people were falling on the floor just from her walking by them. The healing presence of God was that strong in her. In this video, our brothers offer further testimonial of the powerful anointing this woman of God had…

Six Moments that Prove Kathryn Kuhlman Was a Spirit Filled Being

Sure, she made her mistakes earlier in her life, as we all have. But she placed it all at the cross, at the feet of our Jesus, and yielded the rest of her life completely to the ministry of Christ. As a result, she was used by the Holy Spirit to bring healing and salvation to thousands of people. She would state clearly, as in her quote above, that she was only the willing vessel, and that she well knew it was only through the healing power of our almighty God, through Jesus Christ, that she did the miracles that she did. Of course, there may be some out there who doubt or question her anointing. They did the same thing to Jesus. I could list all the Scripture here, but that is another whole post for another time. So, for now, I will leave it to you to search the Scripture, pray for discernment, and decide for yourself. There are many out there who will twist the Word around, no matter who you are. Just remember, man’s word will pass away, but the Word of God will stand forever, so be sure you’re basing your decision on what the Word of God says, pray about it, and ask Him for discernment. Don’t just go by what people say. Then, there’s what Jesus told those about to stone the adulterous woman: “Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone at her”. Yes, He also said there would be many false prophets in the world, and that you would know them by their fruits. But we still need to pray and ask Him for discernment on these things, not just listen to what man says. I rest my case on the Word of God.

So, why aren’t we seeing more of these miracles today? Didn’t Jesus say, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”? (John 14:12, NKJV)

I’ll tell you why. And I’m talking to myself here as well…it’s because we’ve made it about ourselves. We’ve shifted the focus from Him to ourselves. For too many of us, it’s all about the “coulda, woulda, shoulda”. We’ve allowed the enemy to deceive us into focusing on what we should have had, what we feel we deserved, and the list is endless. Let me tell you something. The devil will stop at nothing to continue to take our eyes off our Lord Jesus, especially in these last days we are living in. I know because he did that to me. But I didn’t stay there.

Believe me, I’ve had to walk through some intense fires since I lost my husband, Keith, in 2020 to Covid, and my mother to other causes only 3 months later. It is only through those fires I’ve walked through that the Father has refined me through His Holy Spirit and healed and refreshed me through the love of His Son, Jesus Christ. Yet only in my humbly yielding myself to His process in this intense season has He been able to finally remove the impurities that have kept me from moving forward in His calling on my life.

The ones who truly made a difference as Kingdom builders for Christ quietly left their footprints, did their work, and left. No smoke and spotlights, no fancy performances. They pointed the world to Him, Jesus Christ, not themselves (though others may accuse otherwise). They didn’t use their problems and trials as crutches or play their victim cards but yielded it all to Him to use as powerful testimonies to point hurting people to Him. Yet the faint footprints they left will not be seen by most because too many of us have wandered off the “straight and narrow” path they left them on.

We’ve glorified the problems instead of Him and wasted far too much time allowing the enemy to deceive us into seeking glory and recognition for ourselves instead of letting Him be glorified in it all. We’ve worshipped sympathy and attention for ourselves more than what He could do through it all if we only yielded it to Him.

We’ve worshipped the creation more than the Creator, and performance more than directing the praise to Him. And we wonder why we aren’t seeing miracles like He did through humble, faithful servants like our sister, Kathryn Kuhlman.

But if we really look, they’re not hard to find. We only have to be willing to get off the wide path of destruction, the easy road of self-glorification and entitlement, stop making it about ourselves and what we “should have been entitled to”, and get back on that straight and narrow path too many of us have wandered from.

Only then will those fading footprints of these mighty warriors of faith that we’ve missed start to be visible again. You’ll see them. They’ll be the ones with Jesus’ footprints right beside them, more visible because they directed the focus to His, instead of their own.

If someone came to you needing directions to get to a certain place, you wouldn’t knowingly give them the wrong directions, would you? So, I ask you, just as I’ve had to ask myself… those lost, hurting souls He places in our path: Who are we pointing them to? Ourselves and our problems, or the only One Who can save them, heal them, and turn them into spiritual powerhouses for Him, like Kathryn Kuhlman? Or what about all the others in the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews, Chapter 11, who have gone before us?

The sign most of us missed? That would be the one that says, “Yield”.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave His all for us. So, why should we give Him any less than everything? After all, too many of us have had to find out the hard way that He cannot bless what we have not “yielded” to Him. But the enemy will certainly use it to lead us down the wrong path. Only He knows the staggering number of souls He could lead to Christ through you, using the special gifts of the Spirit and talents He has given you. He doesn’t need another Kathryn Kuhlman, Billy Graham, or any of the other great warriors lining His “Hall of Faith”. He already has them. He needs you. There is no one else He has created exactly like you, and there never will be. Let’s put down the “victim” and self-entitlement masks, get off our power trips, yield everything to Him, and get back on that straight and narrow road, now, while there is still time. Especially if you have little feet following you.

Then too, some of us also need to get off of the judgment seat and give God His rightful place back on the throne of our hearts. None of us sit that high. Judge righteously, with discernment and prayer, yes. But enough already of the jumping on the bandwagon of what all these others say. A word of warning on that subject: There are some questions we may never have answered until we are with Him in Heaven. But it would do us all well to remember, the one unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. So, before you go joining in the judgements of others, tread carefully. God’s Word is the final authority, but there are also many false prophets out there who will allow the enemy to use them to twist it around. The final question our Jesus will ask each of us bears consideration, now, while there is still time: “What have you done for Me? How many souls did you win for me?” I guarantee you, it won’t be, “How many social media likes and kudos did you get? Or “How many rant posts did you comment on, and how many arguments did you win?” My question on that echoes that of my pastor: “How many people have died and gone to Hell while you all were sitting there arguing about this (whatever “this” may be)?”

If a group of people decide to get together and jump off a cliff, are you going with them? Didn’t think so. Let’s get back on the straight and narrow road too many of us have ventured off of and get back to work. The fading footprints we missed won’t be hard to find. They’ll be the ones with Jesus’ precious nail-scarred footprints beside them. It’s not hard, really. Just make sure the Word, prayer, and discernment are your guides, and that you have your GPS turned on (God’s Guidance, Protection, & Strength, see Proverbs 3:5-6) …

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)

If you’re truly walking with Him, you won’t go wrong. And you’ll have the fruit you’re bearing for our Lord and soon returning King of kings to prove it. The fruit speaks for itself, for without Him, we can do nothing. If you’re busy doing that, you won’t have time to worry about what everybody else is doing. What’s that? … Which way back to the straight and narrow road? You’ll have to go back past that Yield sign you missed. Don’t feel bad. I’ve missed it too a few times. Thankfully, our loving Savior doesn’t condemn us as the world does. He’s always waiting with open arms to take us back. We have only to stop running ahead of Him and let Him lead the way.

Those who love you tell you the most truth. as a friend of mine and brother in Christ often says. I love you too much not to. Time is running out. “It’s almost midnight. It’s 11:59”. ⌛️

🙏 PRAYER: Father, help us be more like these, the few and little known, rarely noticed, and unsung warriors of the faith, pointing people to Your Son, Jesus Christ, and not ourselves. Indeed, You, Father, are the vinedresser, our Lord, Jesus, the vine, and we, only the branches, for without You, we can do nothing, but through You, we can move mountains for your kingdom! In Christ’s name we humbly pray, Amen! 🔥🕊

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