Fall Mountain Retreat 2023: A Season of Change #Fall #GreatSmokyMountains

“You send forth Your Spirit, they are created;
And You renew the face of the earth.” –
Psalm 104:30

“Don’t bother to give God instructions, just report for duty.” – Corrie ten Boom

So, I did something crazy this past week. Something spur-of-the-moment. It wasn’t planned, but I did it anyway. A fraudulent charge showed up on my bank card, causing me to have to delay leaving at the time I wanted to, because I had to go to the bank and report it. I went anyway. I went on a mountain retreat to Cherokee and Maggie Valley. Actually, I had wanted to stay in Cherokee, but the hotel prices were higher there, so I found a little place in Maggie Valley. Not what I really wanted, as I am more of a cabin person. My late husband, Keith and I always enjoyed more the peace and quiet of a private, secluded cabin, but for this trip, the hotel would do. Of course, they had to shut the card down. I got what cash I could get, but as I could not have access to the stolen money, this put me much shorter than what I needed. Now, normally, with all reasoning, most folks would have cancelled at this point. But I felt this in my spirit stronger than I have ever felt anything. I was at a point spiritually where I just needed this healing, and it simply couldn’t wait, and I think God knew it. But there was something more. You see, God doesn’t do anything halfway. He not only knew the healing I needed, but He also used me to bring healing and be a witness to others I would meet on this journey. This is part of my training He is working in my life right now, as a minister in training. He speaks very clearly through these experiences. This trip was no exception. So, despite these hindrances and this unfortunate delay, I finally got on the road. Because, well, when God tells you, “Go!”, you go. You don’t question Him, because you know if He tells you to do something, you know He’s already there, and He will equip you with everything you need. In this case, it was what He allowed to be taken away that paved the way for what I would need. It may seem crazy to some, but I know He was clearly making His presence known to me the entire time, all the way there and back. He made it clear He was in control, and that He was in charge of everything.

Now, you know, I have really been wanting this beautiful, double Native American flute I had recently looked at in one of the stores in Cherokee. I held it last time I was there and played it. The sound that emerged from it was just beautiful. I had hoped to be able to finally get one, since this past November 2nd was my birthday. But because of this unfortunate incident with my bank card, I wouldn’t be able to afford it. I could have gotten angry and frustrated. Yes, honestly, it was a bit upsetting. But I just simply refused to let the circumstances derail my purpose or define my outcome.

Still, I loaded the car with what little I was taking with me, then headed over to McDonald’s for a breakfast biscuit, then to the bank. After I left with what little cash I could get, I set my GPS and hit the road. I also made sure to pray and set my spiritual “GPS” – God’s “Guidance, Protection, & Strength” (I talked about this in my book, CPR for Your Faith from Beyond Death’s Door). Little did I know the truly powerful healing and awakening experience I was in for and the ways He would answer this prayer.

I can tell you; He was making His presence known to me the whole way there and back. As I drove up there and saw the beauty of the mountains begin to unfold around me, He spoke this clearly into my spirit: “I know you’re upset about the bank card and what’s happened, but what I have planned for you on this trip, and what you’re bringing back home can’t be bought! I need you to just trust Me!” Then He began to speak to me about how all the beautiful fall colors of the leaves on the trees represented the changing of this season in my life. I simply listened as I drove, about how He was saying, those leaves put on the best performance of their “lives” during this season when their time is almost up. Then they fall, and the cycle starts all over again. He then began to tell me that just the same, the unproductive habits and old thought patterns I’d had were like those “leaves” falling off my life’s “tree”. As the old falls away, and we surrender all of that to Him, He prepares the way for the new. My Heavenly Father was clearly telling me, my new season has come.

I knew I had stagnated in my grief after the loss of my husband, and then my mother only three months later. I had allowed the enemy to cause me to stagnate in more ways than I had realized. I had buried myself in the “busyness” of being active in my church. But when I came home, the reality avoidance behaviors continued. In some ways, I had reached the point that too many things just didn’t matter to me anymore, and I couldn’t even see how bad it had gotten. The Father in His infinite wisdom and all-knowing love for me as His daughter, knew this. He had known just what I needed. But that’s not all. He had also planned divine appointments for me on this healing journey that would change my life and renew my confidence in ways only He could bring about.

I recently preached a sermon at my church on “The Power of Mountain Goat Faith”. I can tell you that the whole experience through which I received this message in itself was life changing. The healing, wisdom, and renewed perspective I have gained from this trip was only a continuation of that journey. As I finally reached the top of the mountain I have been climbing for three years now, I saw my life from a much grander viewpoint than I ever thought possible. It is only from that higher spiritual vantage point that we will ever truly see the greater picture as He needs us to see it if we’re going to serve Him. We cannot continue to be content to stay in the valley of rebellion and spiritual immaturity like those first-generation Israelites out in the desert with Moses and expect Him to come down to our level. We just need to understand, He will not make us move forward and seek this higher level of fellowship, training, and service to Him. Each of us must make the decision to seek this with Him on our own. But when we do, He’ll be right there waiting to take us higher than we’ve ever dreamed possible. So that’s what I’ve done.

My dinner the night before was simply something from the dollar store up the road that I could pop in the microwave. I hadn’t felt like eating much anyway. The featured picture for this post that you see above was my view that morning across from my hotel in Maggie Valley. After taking a walk around to the back to spend a few minutes on the deck by the river, and taking a few pictures, I went back in to have my coffee and donuts and a few minutes of devotions. It wasn’t much, but I was on a budget here. I had to be wise with what little I had to work with if I was going to have enough to go to the restaurant in Cherokee I felt Him leading me to.

He led me to Psalm 104. There is just something so powerful and awe inspiring about reading that when you’re in the mountains. Again, He reminded me about what He’d said about the leaves in their season earlier, reminding me to think of that as I drove through the mountains that day. Finally, it was time to load the car and head out if I was going to have time to do all I wanted to do. I prayed and asked Him to lead my path.

I stood in that room and walked around two or three times to check and make sure I wasn’t leaving anything. Yet for some reason, my eyes were blinded to seeing that I had left my phone charger and cord plugged into the outlet by the bed. It would be two or three hours later before I realized it. There was a reason for that. So, first I headed back up to the shops where I’d talked to a young lady working in the fudge shop the night before. It never ceases to amaze me how God uses my testimony of all He’s brought me through to help others. I wanted to go back and get some fudge. After seeing they were out of the kind I wanted, I simply left and headed on out of town.

Next, I wanted to visit Soco Falls, where Keith and I had stopped before. Thinking it was closer to Cherokee, I drove right past it, not realizing it. Finally, after putting it in my GPS, and much backtracking, I found my way back to it. My experience there inspired a whole new message being downloaded into my spirit…

“Give Me Your Hand!”…

Soco Falls, between Maggie Valley and Cherokee, NC, on an earlier trip Keith & I took in 2016.

The path down to the falls is a bit rough, where you have to get down and climb carefully over the rocks. As Keith had had both hips replaced, we had never attempted it. We’d just admired it from the bridge. But this time, I wanted to give it a try, and get some good close-up pictures. There were several other people there. I have to say, even now, thinking back on it, I’ve found it a truly eye-opening experience. Here we are, all these people who don’t even know each other, yet we were all on the same journey, for that moment in time. People were just reaching their hands out to each other, helping each other, offering to take pictures of you with your phone. Finally, I was ready to go back up. “Here, give me your hand. I’ll help you!” One man said that to me as he reached his hand out and helped me climb back up the rocks.

As I was walking back up, three ladies were in front of me. The short path going back up is a narrow one, with a bit of a drop off you have to be careful of. The older one became short of breath and was struggling to catch her breath. “Just sit down and catch your breath,” I told her as we helped her find a place to sit down for a moment. She got out her inhaler and used it. I prayed with her, and then, as we began again, I moved in front of her, so I could help her. I reached out my hand for her, so she held my hand as I helped her move slowly, as the other two ladies walked, one behind her, and one beside her, guiding her. There was a cheer as those waiting at the top to begin their journey cheered with us when we finally made it. They were patiently waiting for their turn, since the path is so narrow.

All of these people I had met so far had been told about my book. But the one moment had yet to come, what I now feel was very likely one of the main reasons God led me on this journey. Now, you’ll see how His timing is NEVER off. As we all said our farewell words and left to continue on our journey through this life, we each left changed. All of us, people who, earlier as we woke up that morning, had never known each other. Yet, in that moment in time, our paths all converged there at those waterfalls. People helping each other, reaching out a hand as soon as it was needed, without question, without hesitation, and without judgement. Without anything other than, “Give me your hand! I’ll help you!”

So, I knew in my spirit, what I think I had known the whole time. It was time for my dinner date at Paul’s. Keith and I had always stopped there and enjoyed a buffalo burger. But the last time I was there was by God’s divine appointment. This time, He was about to do it again. All I knew at this point was that this was the reason I had scrimped and saved all up until now, so I would have enough to go to Paul’s. I was halfway back to Cherokee before I realized I needed to plug my phone cord in and charge my phone…but I didn’t remember packing it back in my stuff. I pulled the car over. I knew there was no need to tear all my stuff out looking for it. I called the hotel and asked the lady had she found it in my room. She said yes. I told her I was on my way back to get it.

So, here I was, again, backtracking, having to drive all the way back to the hotel in Maggie Valley to get my phone charger cord…

Divine Delays…

If I hadn’t forgotten that charger and cord, I would have already left before she came in and missed her. I had finished eating and went back to the bathroom one more time. That’s when I saw her. She was an older lady, wearing a brown, fringed jacket, kind of like someone back in the 70s would wear. I thought it was gorgeous, and I complimented her on it. We got to talking as we walked back into the restaurant. I mentioned that Keith and I had always liked to stop there. She told me she had lost her daughter to suicide. Her story just broke my heart for her. I told her about my book and prayed with her right there in the restaurant. I also told her that part of my message, as I talk about in the book, is “What if YOUR story could touch someone else’s life?” As I encouraged her that other people could be helped by her story, I could see the change of heart come over her. I watched her go from just being broken, to suddenly seeing it from a different perspective. That of thinking of the countless lives of others that have gone through similar tragedies and heartbreaks who could be touched by HER story.

The face of utter heartbreak was transformed into a look of hope as she then looked at me and said, “Thank you so much for praying with me and talking with me. It was meant for us to meet. I’m going home, as of this day, and write my story.”

They were out on the front porch of the restaurant eating as I walked out to my car. “I’ll be praying for you!” I said to her as I walked by where they were sitting. “I was just telling my husband about you!” she said.

Coincidence? Mere chance? I don’t think so. As I made my way back to my car and drove to the shops for my last leg of my journey, I had a new perspective on my life. I left Cherokee with just a little chunk of pecan fudge and a coffee cup, and enough gas in my car to get home. Just cheap souvenirs, but as I drove out of town, through those mountains on my way heading toward home, I knew I had what I’d come for. My wallet was empty, but my heart was full, and my spiritual “bank account” was overflowing. The “birthday gift” my Heavenly Father had given me was something that could not be bought with money.

I took a few minutes after I’d gotten my gas to sit there and refresh myself a little. I felt like my blood pressure was a little low again, so I ate a few salty potato chips, and had a little piece of that wonderful pecan fudge. It wasn’t the caramel pecan I’d wanted, but it would help keep me awake for the drive home. That, along with the iced tea I’d had with that awesome, big juicy cheddar bacon burger at Paul’s, just like the homemade burgers Mama used to make. I don’t normally do caffeine, for medical reasons, but I did have a five-hour drive ahead of me.

The Seasons Change…

As I drove back through the mountains and back through Maggie Valley, I could see the dotted lights all through the mountains of people’s houses. I could smell the comforting aroma of their fires burning. It brought back precious memories I will always treasure, of someone I loved for a short time. I lost him too soon, but I can be thankful that he was ready when the Savior called him home. I know I will see him again, but for now, I have work to do. He was only mine for a short time, and I will forever treasure the memories we made together. But that was only a short chapter of my life. There is still more to the story. And so, with the quill back in my Creator’s hand where it belongs, the page turns…

For now, just as the hand that was reached out to me to help me up, so now, I reach my hand out to the next one who needs that hand up. And so, on it goes.

We can’t break the chain. We must keep it going. So, what about YOU? You’ve reached out and grabbed the hand that was held out to you. You’re going to take that hand and pull yourself up. You’re going to make it, through Christ’s strength and God, the Father’s perfect, divine plan for you. You have to. Otherwise, you’ll miss your divine appointment to be there for the one who needed you to reach out to them and say, “Give me your hand! I’ll help you!”

Yes, He’s planned the perfect ending to YOUR story, a story that has the potential to touch countless others’ lives. But He can’t finish it until you put that quill back in His hand and trust Him. And so, the page turns. The leaves fall, and the seasons change. Don’t miss your season of change.

So, what about you? What if YOUR story could change someone’s life? Yes, there was a reason for me to be in that restaurant in Cherokee, NC at that moment in time. And I do believe you have an appointment somewhere as well. I reached my hand out to help her, just as He had planned. Now, she will be there to reach out her hand to those whose paths just happen to cross hers, just as all of our paths crossed that day at the waterfalls. Don’t you see it? All of this was my “classroom”, where I received the priceless wisdom and insight I would need to prepare me for my assignment later that day.

How Long Have I Been Asleep?

“You passed,” the Father had told me later that day as I’d left the restaurant. He very clearly told me that He had allowed that to happen, with my bank card, to see what I would do. “Even though this happened to you, and you have been limited, without much money to do any of the things you really wanted to do, yet you have still ministered and served Me as a witness to these people. Now, you will see what I will do.” Hearing those words meant more to me than anything my money could have bought. After all, isn’t it all only loaned to us for a short time? In the end, it’s what we do with the time we had that will count of any eternal value. The spiritual awakening of healing and renewal I have experienced on this journey has been priceless. It made me think of all those times we used to go on family road trips together. One of us would dose off and then wake up later and say, “Where are we?”. This of course, was usually followed by, “How long have I been asleep?” Believe me when I tell you that I drove all the way home asking Him that same question. “How long have I been asleep, Lord?”

What will you do with YOUR gift? Who’s waiting to hear YOUR story? My friend, that is why the enemy WANTS you to give up. Don’t let him sing you to sleep with his lies of hopelessness and make you miss your divine appointment with those who will be waiting for your outstretched hand. You may be their last hope.

I am awakened now, to the possibility of new beginnings I never dreamed possible, all because I dared to “GO!”, and just trust Him, even though it didn’t make any sense at first. That, you see, is the most priceless birthday gift I have ever been given, second only to the gift of life itself, that He gave me 58 years ago.

And so, the leaves fall, the seasons change, and the page turns… ✍️🍁🍂

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